LPB Brake pad Proton

LPB Brake pad Proton

Category: Brake Pad


It’s The Last Meter That Counts

Besides functional and luxury concerns, use of high quality brake pads is even more critical.

High quality brake pads ensures safe braking distance and is the most important component that determines after braking, how many meters your car will run before it stops completely.

Indeed, between safety and mishap, it is often the last meter that counts!

High-performance Friction Material and Formulation

Semi-metallic – primarily contain steel fiber and iron powder (>30%), abrasives and lubricants.
Low-metallic – contain some steel fiber and/or iron powder  (<30%), various abrasives and lubricants, some non-ferrous metals. 
Non-asbestos organics (NAO) – contain nonferrous metals, various abrasives and lubricants, mineral fibers and other reinforcements.

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